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Able2Extract 8 Tip: How To Get Accurate Excel Spreadsheet Calculations During Tax Season

Using Excel is a great way to keep things organized during tax season.  The popular spreadsheet program has advanced features that let you work with your financial data as accurately as possible.

And that’s important.

Half the battle for tax filers every year is making sure that the numbers on those tax forms are correct.  The nitty-gritty calculations can be especially tedious if those numbers are generated from PDF conversions.

Fortunately, Able2Extract can refine the conversion process right down to the cell content.  Honourably mentioned by, the PDF converter was recognized for its PDF to Excel spreadsheet conversion and aiding in auditor control.  Now it’s time for you to get that same control over your taxes.

Introducing Able2Extract’s MS Excel Conversion Parameters

On top of the custom PDF to Excel conversion features you already know about, you can take advantage of conversion parameters to ensure that the converted PDF data falls in line with your tax spreadsheet analysis right from the start. The following options are located under View > Options…

PDF to Excel Conversion Parameters

Reposition The Minus Sign

In certain financial documents or reports, the minus sign symbol trails to the right of the number that it is associated with (e.g. “4,560-“ instead of “- 4,560”). Converting negative numbers where the minus sign trails to the right of the number can cause the resulting conversion to Excel to place these numbers as text, rather than numbers.  Move those trailing minus signs to the beginning of the number by selecting the Trailing Minus Sign Treatment. This will prevent it from being converted to textual items in Excel.

Keep The Dollar Sign Separate

Certain financial documents may contain dollar signs. Unfortunately, sometimes the dollar sign ($) creates a challenge in the way the program interprets column structure. Thus, the default is to meld the dollar sign into the same column as the number next to it.

PDF to Excel - Retaining the Dollar Sign

But if you wish to retain the dollar sign in its own separate column, check the Retain Dollar Sign as Separate Symbol option before converting.  Excel will treat the sign in the column as text.

Work With European Numeric Formatting

There are cases where some countries use European number formatting (1.234.567,89 vs. the North American equivalent written out as 1 234 567.89). However, PDF data in this format may be incompatible with your auditing tools or with some region specific versions of Excel.

You can change this easily with Able2Extract 8.  By selecting the European Continental Settings option, you can convert documents that adopt the decimal comma and “period” thousand separators to Excel formatted numbers correctly.

Display Your Data Differently

Sometimes you may need tabular data displayed differently to focus on specific areas.  For example, you may want to interpret data in terms of weekly revenue rather than by product.

PDF to Excel - Enable Table Unfolding

To transpose the data and move the data in columns to rows and the data in rows to columns, use the Enable Table Unfolding option. When selected, Able2Extract will generate output from a PDF in column structure to Excel in row structure or vice versa.

Enable Table Unfolding

Rotate Text into Excel

With pesky PDFs you may come across text in a table that has been rotated in a certain direction which would pose a problem for existing formatted Excel spreadsheets. Checking the Rotate Text into Excel box in the options menu will convert the rotated text into Excel upon conversion.

Just keeping a few of these options in mind can greatly lower the amount of stress you’re already going through with tax season. After all, it’s the simplest adjustments that can mean the difference between getting severely audited and getting a healthy tax return.

Customizing Your PDF To Word Conversions With Able2Extract 8

With Able2Extract 8 there were a few changes in layout that may have had you wondering if Able2Extract backtracked and scaled back on its PDF to Word options.

It hasn’t. Able2Extract’s PDF to Word conversion options are still there and still fully functional.

Obviously, how you work with MS Word will constantly change—as will your editing needs.  After last week’s release of MS Office 2013, for instance, you may already be exploring new features, taking advantage of MS Word 2013 and all it has to offer.  Well, Able2Extract is no stranger to MS Word, and it’s for updates like those that we continue to include Able2Extract’s variety of  PDF to Word options.

So this week we bring them to the forefront to show you what our PDF to Word variety is all about and how each option can accommodate how you work within MS Word.

In Able2Extract 8, the PDF to Word conversion options can be found within the File menu under the Convert to Word… conversion command. Hover over it to expand the menu. The options will be activated once your content is selected for conversion:

Able2Extract PDF to Word Options

Convert to Word- Standard

We always have this as the default and recommended PDF to Word conversion option. This is because it offers the most accuracy and editability for MS Word documents. 

Able2Extract PDF to Word Standard

A PDF to Word Standard conversion will retain background graphics, as a background image in the converted output, and the textual layout using the layout of the original PDF document for guidance.  For most documents, this will provide the best looking output for general purposes and quick conversions.

Convert to Word- Frames

Though it will preserve content just as well as the Standard conversion, the Frames option will give you slightly different results.  The converted PDF to Word output will retain the background graphics and layout of the selected pages and items, but with the text appearing in individual text boxes in a new Word document, like so:

Able2Extract PDF to Word Frames

This conversion is ideal if you prefer or need to work with text boxes which can be moved within a document. For instance, if the placement of text and graphics are a priority, as it is in publications, converting PDF content into frames will  let you position and re-position your content around easily.

Under certain circumstances, because the text boxes are designed to correlate with the structural positioning of the original PDF document, it may be possible to generate a more accurate layout than with the Standard conversion selection option.

Convert to Word- Text

As the name suggests, the Convert to Word -Text conversion option will only convert the text portions of selected items. The text will appear as a standard paragraph without special formatting or text boxes in a new Word document.

Able2Extract PDF to Word Text

This conversion is most useful when working with textual information takes priority over preserving the look and feel of your content in Word. You can easily avoid transferring over  images or graphics that aren’t needed. As you can imagine, this can save you a lot of time spent on cutting or deleting them post-conversion.

Specifying Your MS Word Output

In addition to customizing your conversion results, you can also change the PDF to Word output format with a few clicks.  You can do this by accessing Able2Extract’s conversion settings by going into the View menu and selecting Options… :

Able2Extract PDF to Word Output Format Options

The Word conversion output offers 3 different output formats when converting a PDF to Word. You can select any of the 3 options:

Default: Using this setting on the Windows platform will result in the software automatically detecting which version of Word is installed on the machine and then saving the Word output into the applicable format – .docx or .doc.

RTF: Choosing this setting means that all conversion that are made from PDF to Word will be saved in the rich text format (.rtf) extension.

Word 2007: Using this setting means that all documents converted into Word will be saved as .docx regardless of which version of Word is installed.

Implementing just a few of these options and settings can help save you some major editing time. Though a Standard conversion is probably sufficient for general purposes, it’s always good to try and get the most out of your PDF to Word conversions wherever possible. With the growing complexity of Word documents, you can’t afford not to!

Exploring Able2Extract 8’s New PDF To Excel Custom Conversion Panel

We all know that when it comes to converting PDF tables, nothing comes out right.  Regular conversions aren’t enough.  Transferring digital banking statements or invoices into your tracking or budget spreadsheets becomes difficult when that information comes in tables of different shapes and sizes.

Sometimes the best way you can ensure an accurate PDF to Excel conversion is to literally move the columns and rows yourself before the conversion takes place. And this is where Able2Extract comes in.

With this latest version, the PDF to Excel custom conversion panel received a facelift.  And did it ever!  This new interface is now more intuitive and user-friendly than ever.  Functions and features are now at your fingertips.

To help get yourself familiar with the new conversion panel, here’s a basic FYI overview of what you can do with each feature. 

PDF to Excel

1. Page Range

With this section, you can designate a page range for applying and customizing the file’s table structure.  Add additional pages with the Expand… option or use the Exclude functionality to eliminate a page within your selected range.

2. Tables

Using the tables section, Able2Extract allows you to Add and Delete tables to a page by left clicking on it. Select the Replot functionality and Able2Extract will recalculate the column structure for the page range.


With your tables set, you can then edit their structure. Select either the Add Columns or Erase Column Line to start customizing your tables.   You can then click on your spreadsheet to insert where you want your column lines or click on the ones you want to delete. This is perfect for correcting column misalignments that will affect Excel calculations.

PDF to Excel Add Columns


Like columns, the rows can also be customized. By clicking on Show Rows, you can see where the default rows in your file will appear.  Click on the Manual Row Editing box to activate the Add Rows and Erase Row Line functionalities, and you can start manually adding or erasing rows by left clicking.

PDF to Excel Add Rows

5. Header and Footer 

If your PDF file is a multi-page report that contains headers and footers, you can easily adjust them.  Click on either Edit Header or Edit Footer.  Adjust them by left clicking and holding the button down while moving the mouse up or down. You can also choose to enable or disable them, if needed, with the Header/Footer Options button.

PDF to Excel Headers and Footers

6. Show Preview

You can then preview the conversion output by checking the Show Preview box.  If you only need to preview page you’re working with, check the Only current page box. Your results will show up in the pane at the bottom.

 PDF to Excel Preview Pane

When converting your own banking statements or financial data, start exploring some of these features out.

Visit our Able2Extract support page for a detailed online version.

Convert PDF to HTML For Free

PDF to HTML Conversion

With DIY tools anyone can create and personalize a simple HTML webpage.

But as you may know, that simple HTML page can be made up of content coming from different types of formats, which means dealing with content like JPEG images, Word document text, and even the hard-to-edit PDF file.

For Word content and JPEGs you can easily copy and paste or upload image files into your HTML code with editing GUIs. But for PDF content, the conversion is best left to applications which, unfortunately, can’t guarantee they’ll make life any easier for you.

The problem lies in the small number of inconveniences: signing up with an email, downloading plug-ins, registering with personal information, or paying for full feature access.

The solution to this?—Our free online PDF to HTML converter.

To use it, simply upload your PDF file, click on Convert, and your PDF is quickly converted into HTML (conversion times depend on the size of your file).

Once the conversion is done, you’ll get a link directly on the page on which you can click to view your PDF content converted in HTML. You’re free to copy and reuse the generated code in your own HTML web pages and projects.

Moreover, the URL is permanent, meaning you can keep using it and share it online with your colleagues whenever you want.

You don’t need to sign up with an email, pay for any services, or wait for a converted file to be sent to you. It’s completely anonymous and available whenever you need it.

Just give the tool a try on your PDF and see if its convenience works for you.

How To Convert Word .Docx to .Doc For Free


It’s sometimes taken for granted that the default. docx format can be used by all. Simply clicking on the Save icon, or pinky-middle fingering CTRL + S on the keyboard comes naturally and on instinct.

However, without the Office 2007 plug-in or viewer, you’re at a loss for opening, editing—or heck, even simply viewing, a .docx file on the fly. A real problem indeed if you’re at a public computer or on the go with a mobile device.

Well, no need to look any further for a solution because we’ve been hard at work and have developed a fully functional .Docx to .Doc converter.

Here’s the run down.

Just upload a .Docx file from your computer, click on convert, and once your file is done, click on the link provided to pick it up. Then simply save it to your computer.

The converter retains the quality of your original .docx file and can easily convert images included within the document. Below are some screenshots showing the converter in action.

It’s online for easy access whenever you need it. No registration or email addresses are required, and yes, it’s FREE.

So go ahead and arm yourself with a .docx file. Check it out yourself. You won’t be disappointed.