Year-end offer: Save 50% on Able2Extract Professional single license purchases before December 31!

4 Tips On How To Achieve A Work-Life Balance


It’s hard to miss the growing work-life balance trend. It’s almost an obsession that we’ve gradually developed– and it isn’t a surprise. Technology has effectively blurred the line between one’s personal life and work life.

While technology has made work and life easier, the resulting side effect, according to Stats Canada, is that technology has actually made workers less happy. When it’s easy to access work documents and colleagues online with a simple browser, it allows us to willingly invite our full-time day jobs into our personal life.

This isn’t new, but add to this the ability to work from home, wifi hotspots that allow us to check emails, and trends in creative and laid back work environments, it just becomes easier and easier to keep working.

If you’re looking to take charge and shift things around a bit, we’ve got 4 quick tips on how to go about getting your work-life balance in check.  

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Able2Extract Professional Receives Awards Of Recognition for Document Creation Software From FinancesOnline Directory

Top Star Review Rating

The one thing we love about reviews is that they are great indicators of where our software stands. They let us know if we’re hitting all the right spots for companies and businesses across the board.

This is why we’re happy to announce that FinancesOnline, a leading software review platform for the B2B and SaaS market, recently put the spotlight on Able2Extract Professional with an expert review that awarded the software with two notable distinctions and a position in the Top 50 of their Document Creation Software category.

Now, FinancesOnline knows their audience extremely well. Their expertise is built upon years of connecting with business professionals. And because of this, they set a high bar for any tool they identify and recognize with a review. To say that we’re honoured to have Able2Extract reviewed and added to their software directory is an understatement.

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What Budding Data Analysts Need To Know About Working With Big Data Tools

Tools for Big Data analysis

In some cases, employers may use the term “Data Analyst” to refer to an entry-level data scientist. Thus, a data analyst may be expected to take on the role of a data scientist, but at a junior level. In essence, theirs is a more technical role. They make discoveries from huge datasets, bringing structure to formless data and making analysis possible. They can find, manipulate and join data sources with other sources and clean the resulting dataset.

The work of a data analyst isn’t bound by industry. Analyzing data demands pretty much the same process everywhere, regardless of the nature of the data being used. You ask a question, do your research, get the relevant data, and explore it. Then from there you come up with a hypothesis on that data, start modeling, validating and drawing conclusions from it. Lastly, you reach the reporting stage where you visualize, summarize, and interpret that data.

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Giveaway: Fill In 2 Win Able2Extract Professional 12 (Closed)

Able2Extract Giveaway

 UPDATE: The Able2Extract 12 giveaway is now officially closed. Thanks to everyone for participating and making the giveaway a success. We’ll be announcing winners May 4th. Stay tuned for the announcement to find out if you’ve won. Good luck to all!

Would you like to get a professional productivity-boosting software that can help you to get the most out of your PDF files for FREE? Yes? Well, today is your lucky day!

Don’t miss out on the exclusive opportunity to win a lifetime license for Able2Extract Professional 12 valued at $149.95.


The giveaway of 5 (five) Able2Extract Pro 12 lifetime license PINs will last for 3 weeks, starting from today – April 10th. Entries can be submitted until midnight April 27th, Eastern Standard Time (EST). We’ll announce the end of the giveaway and giveaway winners on all of our social media accounts and by updating this blog post.

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Google Docs: Beat Annoying Collaborators at Their Own Game

Google Docs Frustration

Collaborating with colleagues on a document in Google Docs has a lot of advantages over going solo. A fresh set of eyes and multiplied brain power can correct typos, improve grammar, enhance sentence structure, and pick up on where simplification or clarification is needed.

The truth is the blanks start filling in much faster when multiple, different-colored cursors blink on the Google Docs page than when a lonely, black one does.

Yet, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

An influx of new ideas and angles on a topic can turn a good article into a stellar piece of content, whether it’s a business proposal or a light-hearted blog post.

Strangely enough, that same variety of characters trying to produce one coherent writing on any given subject can make a grown man cry from frustration. Think of comments pointing out problems without offering solutions, unnecessary edits just for the sake of “contributing”, nonsense additions because of the misunderstood points, etc.

What we’re trying to say is that being on the same page literally doesn’t always mean being on the same page metaphorically.

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