Year-end offer: Save 50% on Able2Extract Professional single license purchases before December 31!

Investintech Announces Launch Of Annual Data Journalism Scholarship

University Student In Library

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on schools and students, we will be extending the scholarship deadline to May 1st, 2020. the free pass prize to the annual CAJ conference will not be offered this year as the conference for 2020 has been cancelled.There are currently no virtual conference alternatives or substitution prizes available.

If you’re a student who just started your major in journalism, or have already been doing journalistic work for a school paper, we’ve got some exciting news that you’ll enjoy.

We’re proud to announce today the launch of our new annual Investintech – CAJ Data Journalism Scholarship!

Partnering with the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ), a major journalism organization that supports and encourages excellence in journalism across Canada, our aim is to help the future generation of journalists like you.

We know that Able2Extract is being used by data journalists to extract PDF data into Excel spreadsheets for analysis. Their ultimate goal? To write news stories that are backed by accurate and credible data.

In this day and age of fake news, though, this level of credibility can be undermined. As such, there is a growing call for journalists to dig deeper into large amounts of digital data and analysis.

This takes skill training, time, and money–all of which can work against you as you continue to work and study your way into the industry.

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What Users Can Learn About EULAs From Adobe

I agree check box

In a controversial move last month, Adobe announced a warning that any Creative Cloud subscribers using older versions of the apps is liable to get sued by third parties.

According to news stories, the reason seems to be due to legal issues between Adobe and Dolby Labs. In short, there are claims that Adobe included Dolby technology in software and subscription packages without paying the appropriate royalties. As a result, Adobe’s users are no longer licensed to use the infringing software.

This incident underscores some major points about users, software apps, and End User License Agreements (EULAs) that connect them, which deserve some attention.

As a software user, it’s important to think about what it means to your usage and ownership of the tools you use.

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Government And Education Sectors Get Discount Pricing On Able2Extract

Able2Extract discount best offer

We’re giving special discount pricing on Able2Extract Professional to:

  • Government departments and employees – 10%
  • Educators and students – 15%

To apply for a discount, just email in with your request at with the subject line “Governmental discount” or “Educational discount” and one of our representatives will set you up.

Save now on your perpetual copy of Able2Extract Professional!

Read a bit more to find out how an Able2Extract discount can work in your favor.

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The New Able2Extract Professional 14: Sign PDFs, Perform AI-Powered Excel Conversions And More!

Able2Extract Professional PDF Suite

We’re happy to announce Able2Extract Professional 14, a newer, more advanced PDF suite than ever before. Needless to say, we pushed the envelope with PDF features this time.

We’re excited about the new advanced digital PDF signatures in this version. From signing PDFs to verifying digital certificates, this new security feature is extremely powerful in keeping your PDFs in compliance with document security standards right out of the gate.

Also, included in this latest version is Artificial Intelligence technology, which allows you to train custom Excel templates into Smart and Master templates. These are extremely effective in speeding up custom PDF to Excel conversions.  

Another new improvement you’ll see? PDF Form fields placement. You now gain more flexibility and accuracy when creating or editing your PDF forms.

Meet The New Able2Extract Professional 14

Learn how Able2Extract Professional 14 is changing the way you interact with your PDF files. Our goal? To help you deal with everything PDF!

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Able2Extract Professional Receives Awards Of Recognition for Document Creation Software From FinancesOnline Directory

Top Star Review Rating

The one thing we love about reviews is that they are great indicators of where our software stands. They let us know if we’re hitting all the right spots for companies and businesses across the board.

This is why we’re happy to announce that FinancesOnline, a leading software review platform for the B2B and SaaS market, recently put the spotlight on Able2Extract Professional with an expert review that awarded the software with two notable distinctions and a position in the Top 50 of their Document Creation Software category.

Now, FinancesOnline knows their audience extremely well. Their expertise is built upon years of connecting with business professionals. And because of this, they set a high bar for any tool they identify and recognize with a review. To say that we’re honoured to have Able2Extract reviewed and added to their software directory is an understatement.

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