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4 Cool Uses Of Microsoft Office You Probably Didn’t Know About

When you think of Microsoft Office, you probably think of office documents, presentations and spreadsheets. However, you can have a bit of fun with the suite just by knowing how to use the applications and features to their fullest extent.

A few power users out there manipulated their way through the MS Office programs to come up with some extremely creative  content.  Take a look at the following creative, jaw-dropping examples.

Create Art In Microsoft Excel 

Excel Spreadsheet Artwork

You may have heard of this guy on the internet before. Japanese artist, Tatsuo Horiuchi, has been producing art using only Microsoft Excel. It may sound crazy to use MS Excel for generating images let alone creating artwork. But this artist has proven, hands down, that it can be done.

Use Microsoft Word As An Advanced Image Editor

MS Word Graphics Editing

If you think Microsoft Word can only be used for generating documents, you’ll be shocked to see it in action as an advanced graphics editor. This amazing time-lapse video was created and posted by Vaclav Krejci who, according to his YouTube channel bio, aims to “explain graphic design to everyday users using software they are already familiar with.” And he does just that. This video shows how he recreates the iOS 7 home screen using nothing but Microsoft Word, start to finish.

Play A Role Playing Game In Microsoft Excel

Bet you never thought you could turn your data-analyzing, formula-calculating Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into an RPG game. We sure didn’t.  This macro-based RPG was put together in 5 months by Toronto-based chartered accountant, Cary Walkin, whose passion for spreadsheets and video games resulted in Arena.Xlsm.

Excel Spreadsheet RPG Game

Arena.Xlsm comes with character statistics, abilities for ranged attacks, achievements, boss encounters, and magic spells (available at level 10).  This cool game may look slightly different than your average MMPORG, but all the same interactive and essential elements are there.  See how far you can get.

Create Your Own Anime Movie In Microsoft PowerPoint

You’ve probably watched anime before, but we’re guessing that it didn’t require MS PowerPoint.  We caught this awesome example on PowerPoint Heaven, a site created by Shawn Tow that started out as a place to post his own tutorials and work. It is now a popular site for PowerPoint diehards to showcase their innovative uses of the application.

PowerPoint Anime Movie

One user took PowerPoint slides and animation to the next level with Rewrite, an anime drawn and animated in PowerPoint by Han Byul Jang (Zzangdol). We won’t provide you with any spoilers, but download the PowerPoint file to see it in action yourself. You won’t be disappointed.

We never really appreciate the full capabilities of the tools we use on a daily basis. But with a bit of practice and skill you can perhaps work your own magic and come up with a creative way of using MS Office yourself.

Back-To-School Tech Advice: 6 Things Every College Student Should Consider

Studying with Technology

Image credit: Zitona (

The end of summer is near, and that means students will be heading back into the classroom in a couple of weeks. That being said, it’s time to sit down and think forward about the upcoming school year.

On top of the back-to-school shopping list and registration chaos, it’s a good time to start thinking about how technology will factor into your daily routine.  We’re talking about the nitty-gritty routine spent on studying, researching, writing, and sitting in class.

So in case you haven’t thought about it yet, we’ve hammered out some basic tech advice on 6 things you should consider.

Map Out Personal Tech Support Resources

No matter how well you know your tech tools, there will always be a random issue you can’t fix in a hurry. Knowing where you can go for help is key. There’s only so much Google can do for you with 10 million results.

Do yourself a favour and get your resources mapped out ahead of time.  Scout out, follow, and bookmark a good range of How-To sites, forums, and even basic support pages for your device.

Find Textbooks  Online 

When it comes to textbooks go digital wherever possible.  Digital textbooks can be significantly cheaper than original hardcopy or photocopied versions, and you won’t have to lug around heavy volumes.

As a starting point, sites like Project Gutenberg offer a vast selection of books in a variety of formats. You can also take advantage of Google’s latest textbook rental and purchasing offer from Google Play Books.  There’s also the iBooks app, whose iBookstore offers text books from notable publishers, such as McGraw-Hill and Pearson.

Flatworld Knowledge Online Textbooks

If those don’t pan out, you can check out FlatWorldKnowledge, an online catalog of textbooks where you can personalize textbook content according to your needs.

Shop Around For Free Software

You’re used to hearing of big name software applications like Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop that are above your price range.  But you can just as easily get free software that offers the same functionality as other paid programs.

Search for open source software alternatives. There are a ton of free tools out there. You can also find apps for your device like productivity suites, note takers, and mobile converter apps. In addition, desktop suites like OpenOffice and LibreOffice are great alternatives to Microsoft Office you can get for free.

Organize Your Gadgets & Devices By Task 

Mobile Devices
Image credit: sean hobson

If you have more than one device, you should try getting them organized according to task.  You may think this is counter-productive, but different sizes, apps and OSes can actually make working on multiple gadgets inconvenient.

Think about how you’ll be dealing with your school work this year.  Will you be typing up your papers on a laptop in a coffee shop? Does research work better for you on a desktop? Or will you be on a tablet for on-the-go convenience? You get the idea.

Some devices are more practical than others for certain tasks.  Figure out your studying habits and get a gadget strategy and workflow in place.

Adopt Different Study Habits For Online Classes

Some of your courses may be offered online or have an online bulletin board component set.  Keep in mind that online learning environments have different dynamics and hence, need a different approach.

Tip? For starters, keep focused.  It’s all too easy to get distracted with opened browsers, the comfort of your own room, and online networks. Moreover, we’re all used to scanning stuff online.  So when it comes to in-depth reading, you’ll need to really shift gears once you log in. Remember that a lot of it is about independent learning.

Also, timeliness is a big factor that can possibly affect your grades. You want to be one of the first ones to submit a discussion response. Remember there are others who can possibly cover the same points you want to make. Don’t let them steal your thunder by posting it up first. In short, constantly scout out other minor adjustments you can make to your studying habits.

Always Have A Back Up Plan

Google Docs Revision History
Image Credit:

All too often does a program crash on us in the middle of a paragraph, a USB gets lost, or we quickly close that 1,500 word paper without saving. But a few things can help prevent that.

Create a copy of your papers every few drafts to different storage media. Use cloud storage services like Dropbox to save a copy of your last draft.

Or conversely, create your original copy online with Google Docs. It will save your changes automatically. In addition, it will create a back up of the file’s revision history. Let’s not forget that you can always send a draft to yourself as an attachment!

Once the year starts, a solid routine will be the only thing keeping you on top of things. So make sure you plan out your tech strategy well!

How To Work More Efficiently On Your Desktop With 4 Simple Tips

Computer Desktop with Shortcuts

Image Credit: Anders Sandberg

We all spend a good part of our time on the computer, and as paperless workers, we’re conditioned to find the fastest way to get things done. But are we ever working as effectively as we could? Probably not.

And it’s not because we don’t try. It’s just that we often overlook the most common place where we can tweak our routines to make them even more efficient. It’s the one place where we all start from: the desktop.

With a few simple changes and customizations, you can eliminate the seconds you spend on extra desktop clicks, searches, and toggling.  Take a look.

Audit Your Shortcuts

First thing to deal with is icon clutter. Everyone suffers from it. It’s easy to rack up stray shortcuts over time via software installations and quick saves to the desktop. If there are ones that you don’t need on a regular basis, delete them. Shortcuts are only good for tasks or software you access on a daily or weekly basis.

Desktop Shortcut Icons

Image Credit: jeanbaptisteparis

Second, consider the type of shortcuts you create. Ones that help you perform repetitive tasks are the most efficient.  Consider email reports you send on a daily basis. If they all contain the same formatting and the same outline, create a template for it and then generate a desktop shortcut to quickly call it up (right-click on the template file and select “Create Shortcut”). A desktop trick like that can shave minutes off your routine.

Organize Your Desktop(s)

Dexpot Virtual Desktop Thumbnails

Did you know that you don’t have to stick to just one desktop? Dexpot is a handy tool that will let you set up multiple virtual desktops. It’s perfect for anyone working on more than one project at a time. Each desktop is kept separate, but easily accessible via hotkeys, thumbnails and across different monitors, as well.

Fences Video Demo

You should also consider putting your desktop real estate to good use. Categorize and organize your icons. Tools like Fences and Nimi Places keep your desktop shortcuts organized into different zones for quick access.  Both tools come with customization features like filtering options that can keep your work area in order at all times.

Or you can take things up a notch by cleaning up your desktop completely.  RocketDock can give you a minimalistic work area by keeping all your favourite shortcuts, folders, and applications in one neat and tidy dock you can easily access when you need it.

Customizing WindowsTaskbar

Then there’s your Taskbar. You can adjust and customize it through the Control Panel. Auto-hide it, group similar buttons together, or show window preview thumbnails. Make it work with your everyday tasks. For example, if you take a lot of tutorial screenshots, you may want to auto-hide the taskbar completely so you don’t have to crop it out later on.

Customize Your Desktop Wallpaper

A desktop can also be effective in other ways.  Starting on a new task? Create a flow chart or cheatsheet reference image of the process and set it as your wallpaper. Or download a motivational image for those times when you need an extra push. Your desktop can be more than just a dumping ground for shortcuts and files.

Make Programs Instantly Accessible

Having quick access to programs is a necessity. While the desktop allows you to avoid the hitting Start menu button, you can get even more efficient with a desktop app like Launchy. Like its name suggests, it will let you launch applications from it just like you would with the Start button, but it can also launch documents, files, bookmarks, folders and more.
Chrome App Launcher

You can launch your daily web browser apps right from the desktop. Browser apps usually require an opened browser to access them. However, a tool like Chrome App Launcher, will not only let you access Internet based Chrome web apps directly, it will also let you access packaged Chrome apps that “run as separate, standalone software that can also be used offline, unlike traditional browsers,” according to PCWorld’s review.

It may seem like an insignificant thing to reorganize your desktop. You may even think that small details like desktop shortcuts won’t matter. But it’s the little things that add up. So keep your desktop in order. It can either make or break your productivity!

4 Great Ways To Make PDF eBook Navigation Easy

PDF eBook Reading

In this day and age of DIY e-publishing, the PDF is an invaluable format. If you’ve ever downloaded an eBook resource from a website or blog before, then you know how convenient it is to have all the information and content you need in one single PDF.  Yet sifting through all that content in lengthy PDFs can be a nuisance. 

PDF navigation may seem like a small issue, but believe it or not, there are PDF files that don’t come as well-structured as they should be.  Make it as easy as possible for your readers to navigate through your PDF eBook.

Here are a few quick tips to start you off.

1. Add Bookmarks 

Bookmarks are perfect for breaking up your PDF into manageable chunks. Your readers can get a visual overview before they even start scrolling through the PDF.  Most PDF creator applications will let you manually create bookmarks. In other cases, your PDF bookmarks will automatically be created if the formatting of your source document (such as MS Word) uses paragraph default styles, like “Heading 1,” to format your content.

PDF bookmarks for eBooks

For eBooks covering big topics that are broken down into smaller sections, create nested bookmarks. Nested bookmarks create a hierarchical parent/child list that can be easily expanded or collapsed, pointing your readers to even more specific locations in your eBook. Just remember to generate bookmark titles that are simple, consistent and descriptive.

2. Add Internal Links

Where possible and appropriate, insert links into your PDF eBook.  If done properly, a page link can be an extremely effective way of directing your readers to relevant sections. This is especially handy in eBooks that are dense with information. You can direct your readers to the necessary sections.

Whether it’s to a glossary, an illustration, or to related sections, a link in the right place can go a long way.  You can even use links within your Table of Contents and make it a one-click process to get to a section. Internal links are a great way to boost the organization and reading flow of your content.

3. Include A Table Of Contents

Depending on the amount and type of content in your eBook, a bookmark list might enough to guide readers along. But when in doubt, it’s always good publishing practice to include a Table of Contents where you’ll have more than 10 pages.

PDF Table of Contents Keep in mind that PDF files can be either viewed on screen or read in printed form. In cases where users wish to print up a 100 page eBook, they’ll need a Table of Contents page for off-screen reading.  Just don’t forget to include page numbers in the footers/headers of your PDF eBook!

4. Integrate Interactive Navigation

In addition to the default navigation controls of PDF readers, you can insert navigational controls such as page buttons directly into the PDF content itself.  Sounds hard, but with the right software you can create a navigable PDF button from linking a specified trigger area (button) with a target action to a page.

This is a perfect fit for eBooks containing multimedia and other dynamic content. However, just remember that what icons or controls may be intuitive to you, might not be to other users. Thus, if your navigational controls go beyond flipping from one page to the next, include a discreet legend.

In short, the easier it is to get through your PDF eBook, the better! What do you do to make your PDF eBooks easy to navigate?  If we missed a tip or two, share it in the comments!

5 Great Ideas For Creating A Personalized Mother’s Day Message

No matter how you decide to celebrate Mother’s Day this year, there will always be one thing you’ll give your mother without fail: your Happy Mother’s Day greeting message.

Yet, however you send it to your mother online, whether it’s in an email, an e-card, or posting up a simple “Happy Mother’s Day” message on her Facebook page, it just doesn’t seem enough. Ever think that it could use a personal touch? That it could be made even more special?

Why not take your Mother’s Day message to the next level this year? Make sure it’s a special day with a message specially crafted for her. Here are a few ideas to jazz up your Happy Mother’s Day greeting with a few tips and tools.

1. Digital Photo Albums

Mother's Day Photo Album

Sometimes the best gift you can give is a collection of good moments, and a Mother’s Day Album is a great way of getting them into one single package. When creating it, try getting a good collection of photos over the year since last year’s Mother’s Day. Each year is unique and with it you’ll want to capture the best moments and memories of each one.

Tools: jAlbum, Photobucket, Flickr

Tip:  Since albums are ultimately a collection of captured moments, an album collecting different facets of your mother as a person is a great way to show your appreciation for the person she is.  For this, create one that has multiple sections. Within each section, designate a category like “mother,” “best friend,” or even “super hero.”  Then include photos that show her in different moments, representing those traits throughout the year.

2. Photo Collages

Mother’s Day Photo Collage

We’ve all had those moments we wish we had kept in a bottle, and surely your mother has had them too.  Photo collages can be a perfect way to “bottle” those moments up.  The best part about collages is that you can be as artistically creative with them as you’d like. Add pictures not normally associated with each other or arrange them in different patterns. See where the collage takes you!

Tools: Fotor, PhotoCollage, Photovisi, Canva

Tip:  In your collage, mix in images that you associate with those moments, whether it’s a picture that sets a mood or one that evokes a special meaning to you both. It’s a visually challenging project, but an effective one that doesn’t need words to get your message across.

3. Word Clouds

Word Cloud for Mother’s DayJust like a collage, word clouds can express your Mother’s Day message with a visual mash up of ideas. This is perfect as a family project as every member can contribute their own words as well.  Online word cloud generators are flexible enough to work with websites, documents, and text. In most cases, you can even tailor the shape of your word cloud.

Tools:   Wordle,, Tagxedo

Tip:  Fit in words that pertain not just to your mother, but to your relationship as well. For instance, adding nicknames or places that are special to you both will add a nice touch to remembering the memorable tidbits in your lives.

4. Audio Recordings

Mother's Day Audio Recording

A simple post that states “Happy Mother’s Day” just isn’t enough. And let’s face it. A written message doesn’t have the same authenticity or weight than a real live voice. Hearing those words from the mouths of loved ones themselves is priceless. So why not make an audio recording of your Mother’s Day greeting? Add sound effects, special messages or even make a song out of your Mother’s Day greeting.

Tools:  Apowersoft, Vocaroo, Chirbit

Tip:  Ever hear of that TV show “This is Your Life”?  This is a perfect opportunity to replicate that same spotlight on your own mother in audio format. Record every family member’s anecdotes which involve your mother. Then put it all together. The result? Your mother gets to hear some great memories from the people who matter the most.

5. Multimedia Presentations

Mother's Day Presentation

Who says presentations are only for professional purposes?  Make a presentation listing all the great things about your mother.  This is a more flexible greeting format as you can decide how you want it to look, what you want it to contain and which sorts of media to add—images, audio, text, and even video.

Tools: Prezi, MS PowerPoint, GoogleDocs Slides, Moovly

Tips:  Don’t forget that you can also set up presentations as a slideshow. As such, try formatting the presentation as a narrative so it can simply play and take your mother through it.  She can watch her mother’s day gift like it’s movie night at home.