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How To Insert Blank Pages Into Your PDF

Insert blank PDF pages

Most people roll their eyes when they need to edit a PDF. Why? Because PDF editing is difficult.  After all, the idea behind the PDF is that it’s meant to be read-only and not edited.

Have you ever tried adding new pages to your PDF file? Not an easy task without a dedicated PDF tool, right? Sure, you can convert your PDF file to Word online, add the pages in MS Word, then enter text and convert back to PDF, but that is a hassle that takes too much time and kills your productivity. Especially if you have to do it on regular basis.

A much better alternative for inserting blank pages to PDF files is to use Able2Extract Professional. This way, you can fully customize the appearance of your document and save valuable time in the process.

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Google Docs: Beat Annoying Collaborators at Their Own Game

Google Docs Frustration

Collaborating with colleagues on a document in Google Docs has a lot of advantages over going solo. A fresh set of eyes and multiplied brain power can correct typos, improve grammar, enhance sentence structure, and pick up on where simplification or clarification is needed.

The truth is the blanks start filling in much faster when multiple, different-colored cursors blink on the Google Docs page than when a lonely, black one does.

Yet, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

An influx of new ideas and angles on a topic can turn a good article into a stellar piece of content, whether it’s a business proposal or a light-hearted blog post.

Strangely enough, that same variety of characters trying to produce one coherent writing on any given subject can make a grown man cry from frustration. Think of comments pointing out problems without offering solutions, unnecessary edits just for the sake of “contributing”, nonsense additions because of the misunderstood points, etc.

What we’re trying to say is that being on the same page literally doesn’t always mean being on the same page metaphorically.

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How to Make Gmail Look Like Outlook – Tutorial

Making gmail inbox look like outlook

The times of getting excited after seeing you got one new message in your inbox are long gone. Nowadays, emails are deeply rooted in the modern business culture with a staggering number of 269 billion emails sent per day. Yes, you read that right, billions.

Gmail & Microsoft Outlook are arguably the most common email clients used today. Although both services offer great features, it seems that Gmail has gotten the upper hand in recent years.

Nowadays, many individuals and corporations are transitioning to Google’s ecosystem to take full advantage of all the great apps and features that come with a Google account, and Gmail leads the pack.

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Excel Templates For Project Managers

Excel templates for Project Management

A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken by a specific group of people in order to reach a unique goal or objective.

Likewise, Project management is the process of initiating, planning, organizing, executing, controlling and closing of a project after meeting a specific goal.

The person in charge of leading a project through its lifecycle is called a project manager. Managing a team compiled of people from different units within the organization while ensuring that the goals are achieved within a given time frame & budget is no walk in the park, to say the least.

Project Management life cycle phases

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How to Convert PDF to Excel: Formatting Issues Solved

Custom Formatting PDF to Excel

Accurate PDF to Excel conversion is one of the most difficult tasks for any PDF converter software. That’s why users often complain that PDF won’t convert correctly to Excel. They think the software is not working properly because they experience formatting issues when converting PDF to Excel.

Online communities are a valuable source of knowledge and a helpful resource when it comes to solving all kinds of computer related problems. Nevertheless, it seems they fall short when questions like these arise:

  • How to convert PDF to Excel without losing formatting?
  • How to retain formatting when converting PDF to Excel?
  • How to keep columns and rows when converting PDF to Excel?
  • How to get values in the correct cells when converting PDF to Excel?
  • How to convert PDF to Excel and get rows and columns to be useful?

Why is that so? Well, there’s a misconception that all PDF converters work the same way thus giving similar end results when it comes to PDF to Excel conversion.

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