Year-end offer: Save 50% on Able2Extract Professional single license purchases before December 31!

How To Start A Social Media Calendar For Your Business

Tips for creating a social media content calendar

If a company isn’t active on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin does it really exist? Probably not. Joking aside, having a social media presence is of the utmost importance in today’s business world, no doubt about it.

All the major business players use various social channels to distinguish themselves from the vast amount of competition. The same goes for anyone trying to start and establish a brand, whether you want to make a living out of your hobby on YouTube or are a freelancer trying to promote your work and services on LinkedIn.

Furthermore, a properly executed social media campaign can significantly boost your business’ performance and revenue. Emphasis on the properly executed part. In order to get the results you want, you have to be creative, come up with clever social media posts and execute them in time.

Sounds good, but there’s one issue: How to keep your ideas and posts organized without losing track of everything?

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How To Save Microsoft Excel Chart (or Charts) to PDF

How to save Excel graph to PDF

Being in the PDF software business for almost two decades now, we’ve learned a thing or two about potential digital document problems. One of them is a selective conversion: a situation when users would like to extract just a part of the content from the document they’re working on.

With Able2Extract PDF converter, the process of selecting an Area for conversion is dead simple – just click the button and drag around the desired content to make a selection. Then, you can choose between over a dozen of file formats to convert PDF to.

But, what if the problem is the other way around? What if you need to export just a part of the Microsoft Office Excel document to PDF? And more specifically, what if that piece of content is a chart (or charts) surrounded by data, for example?

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PDF to Excel: How to Exclude Text Surrounding Tables

Person doing spreadsheet analysis

Despite the many advantages of Portable Document Format, users find PDFs inconvenient for reusing the embedded content. To accurately convert PDF to Excel, and more specifically – just PDF tables surrounded by text and other types of content – you need a professional PDF tool such as Able2Extract.

Excel is probably the best known and most used spreadsheet software in the world. It’s an essential productivity tool that automates many tasks when it comes to analyzing large quantities of numeric data.

Performing data analysis in Excel tables is the best way to decipher the information relevant to your personal and business goals that are usually hidden behind the numbers. Nevertheless, presenting those conclusions in an easy-to-comprehend and meaningful way requires textual explanations, graphs, and other various types of content. The end result of an analysis is a properly structured document containing titles and subtitles, text, images, graphs, tables, etc.

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7 Types of Able2Extract Users

Seven Types of Able2Extract Users

The more traditional way of doing business in most industries has taken a hard turn and it’s heading towards the ”outdated land” fast. Now, most businesses are on the road to a digital work environment where most of the work is done with the help of technology.   

The use of technology and software changes the way we communicate, collaborate and get work done for the better– in most cases, at least. Furthermore, they change our work habits. Take PDF software, for example. Thanks to PDF tools such as Able2Extract Professional, we’re able to transition from a paper-cluttered workplace to a cleaner work setting where documents are digitally manipulated and stored.

Most people have their rituals when it comes to working with a piece of software. For instance, some like to check all of the toolbars, others on the other hand, prefer a more sleek looking interface that is easy on the eyes. Able2Extract users are no different.

Our preferences say a lot about who we are and how we work. That’s why we decided to round up seven of the most common types of Able2Extract users with regards to how they view and work with their PDFs.

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Able2Extract Keyboard Shortcuts

Essential Able2Extract keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to save valuable time and boost your workflow. Basically, shortcuts allow you to execute a specific operation with just a few strokes on the keyboard instead of using your mouse. Mastering just the right shortcuts can make a massive impact on your daily productivity and investing time into learning them is a smart move.

Able2Extract shortcuts are no exception. Yes, it’s already easy to perform most of the operations with just a few mouse drag and clicks, but there’s also a vast scope of what you can accomplish by just using keyboard shortcuts.

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